Giving Tuesday Champions

When you become a GivingTuesday champion, you can use your voice and influence to change children’s lives.

  • Volunteer as a champion to raise money for Dayton Children’s and raise awareness of the important work we do on behalf of more than half a million children who depend on our local pediatric hospital every year!
  • You get to choose the hospital department that you will raise funds for. Share your special reason for fundraising in your personal fundraising page. If you don’t select a specific department, your funds will go to the area of greatest need in the hospital. ***Please be sure to use the drop-down menu under “Designation” to choose where your funds go!***

sign up now

Need help getting started? Contact us

how to get started

Whether you start a team, join a team or register as an individual, everyone can be a Champion for children!

become a champion

It’s easy! Just click the arrow below to register and set up your personal fundraising page. We recommend setting a goal of $1,000, but do what works best for you – whether you raise $10 or $10,000, we appreciate you! After you register, you’ll receive an email from Dayton Children’s with a link to log into your donor portal and get shareable links to ask others to donate or join your team.

Contact us with any questions about managing your page.


Once your webpage is set up you can begin fundraising through your social media channels. We ask that you share your page as much as possible before and during Giving Tuesday on Dec. 3. There’s no need to wait – start early so you can reach your fundraising goals! Need some fun ideas for fundraising? Keep scrolling!

You can also join our Miracle Nation Facebook group for all the latest news about how you are helping kids.

5 tips for fundraising


Post often. Don’t worry about annoying people, the more the post, the more you will raise!


Get creative and set mini-goals. What will you do to celebrate reaching your goal – dress up like an elf and dance? Dye your hair? Match donations?


Make it personal. If you can share why this is close to your heart, it will touch others and influence them to give generously.


Tag people when you post. Post a challenge to your friends asking them to donate and tag another friend – it will snowball!


Don’t forget to say “THANK YOU!” Dayton Children’s will send thank you letters to every donor, but a personal thank you from YOU is even better!

mom looking at baby in hospital bed

Personal photos and other images really help grab people’s attention and drive home your message! Maybe it’s a photo of a child who you are dedicating your fundraising to (with parental permission), maybe it’s a photo of yourself as a child, or a hand-drawn picture made by a child you love.


As a Giving Tuesday Champion, you’ll have the chance to earn great incentives for your fundraising – it’s just our way to letting you know how grateful we are for your partnership and friendship!

Prizes include:

  • Highest earning team: $1,000 bonus donation toward your fund of choice
  • Highest earning individual: coming soon!
  • Every Champion who reaches their goal is entered into a raffle for Dayton Children’s swag and gift cards
  • EVERY Champion receives a special holiday ornament designed by a patient ambassador!

even more ideas!

  • Reach out to a caregiver who went above and beyond and dedicate your donation in their honor.
  • Create and post a video about why you give. Data proves that posts with photos and especially VIDEO get more views!
  • Challenge 5 friends to give $25 each
  • Dedicate your day to doing a Random Act of Kindness! Post a photo doing something great for your community!
  • Always include the link for your personal fundraising page in all your posts and emails!
  • If you have a personal story about your experience with Dayton Children’s, share it on your social media
  • Share your story with us so we can share your story with the community! Your testimonial will inspire others to share and give during Giving Tuesday and into the future.

Thank you for being such an important part of Giving Tuesday for Dayton Children’s!

miracles matter

One of the best ways to keep up to date is to subscribe to our Miracles Matter monthly e-newsletter! We’ll send you a monthly email with patient stories, opportunities to get involved with the hospital, exciting news, and more!

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