Dayton Children's
foundation board

meet our board

Dayton Children’s Foundation Board allocates donated funds every year for programs, research, advocacy and technology to benefit patients and support the mission of our hospital. The role of the Foundation Board is to help ensure the hospital has the resources it needs to provide the best care for our children.

The Foundation Board accepts outright endowment gifts, estate gifts and bequests specifically designated to Dayton Children’s. Members of the investment committee oversee the investment of gifts to manage the funds’ assets effectively and prudently.

On an annual basis, the Dayton Children’s Foundation supports priority programs that benefit as many of Dayton Children’s patients as possible. The Foundation does not accept independent or outside proposals for consideration.



Heidi Hennessy


Mike Bevis

vice chair

Amy Reilly


Janel Barnett


Jeff Klank

immediate past chair



Janel Barnett

owner, Synergy Building Systems

The Honorable Bill Beagle

executive director, Ohio Housing Finance Agency & Former State Senator

Chris Bergman

vice president and chief financial officer, Dayton Children's Hospital

Mike Bevis

senior partner, Strategic Sales & Marketing Partners, LLC.

Peter Duffey

vice president, Park National Bank

Gregory Eberhart, MD

medical director, Cornerstone Pediatrics

Jonathan Faulkner

attorney partner, Elliott, Faulkner & Webber

Deborah Feldman

president & chief executive officer, Dayton Children's Hospital

Heidi Hennessy

director of human resources, Hartzell Propeller

Jeff Hoagland

president | Dayton Development Coalition

Art Hung

financial advisor, Principal Financial Group

Lindsay Johnson

partner, Reminger Co., LPA, and Women's Board representative

Jeff Klank

partner, Canal Capital Holdings, LLC.

Peggy Lehner

Mayor, city of Kettering

Robert Lober, MD

pediatric neurosurgeon, Dayton Children's Hospital

Scott Markovich

executive vice president, markets & products | CareSource

Lesley Ott

COO and CCO, James Investment Research

Jena Pado

vice president and chief development officer, Dayton Children's Hospital

Matt Price

chief operating officer, PeopleFirst Staffing

Sharmila Rao

consultant, Bridgewater Consulting Group

Amy Reilly

chief administrative officer, Wright-Patt Credit Union

John Slaughenhaupt

owner, ThreeWitt Enterprises Inc.

Matthew Yoder

vice presidet, 7-Eleven

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