send a card

share the love this Valentine’s Day!

Every Valentine’s Day, the incredible caregivers at Dayton Children’s work hard to make the day special for kids in the hospital. With your help, we would love to deliver a Valentine’s Day card to every child in the hospital on February 14!

This year, special kids in the community competed in a coloring contest and shared their artwork with us. Four were selected to be turned into REAL Valentines that you can send to kids in the hospital!

Congratulations to:

  • Lucy, age 14
  • Michael, age 9
  • Berklee, age 5
  • Bodhi, age 4

2025 valentines all four

Help us share their wonderful work with as many kids as possible! Will you brighten the day of a child in the hospital by sending a Valentine’s Day card? Click the link below to choose and sign a card. We will print and deliver it to a patient in the hospital on Valentine’s Day!

send a card today!


Our partners at Love’s Travel Stops will dedicate their in-store fundraising to match every Valentine’s Day donation, up to $3,000! Give today to make your donation go even further for kids.

presented by loves png

miracles matter

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